A PIM provides information about the special features (e.g. natural hazards) of the land on which building work is proposed and any other land likely to affect or be affected by the proposed building work. It also provides information that is relevant to the proposed building work. Information may include:
A PIM provides information that must be taken into account for the proposed project and the land on which it is to be built, including information on special features such as:
It also identifies any additional approvals required, such as:
A PIM confirms that you may carry out the building work on the land subject to:
Council is required to issue the PIM within 20 working days of a complete application being received. If further information is needed, this period is suspended until the required information has been received.
The owner(s) or an authorized agent of the owners can apply to the relevant council (i.e., territorial authority) for a PIM when the owners consider carrying out building work where a building consent is required.
Although it is not mandatory to apply for a PIM, it is highly recommended to obtain a PIM early on in the design phase and well in advance of applying for building consent.
This is especially important for significant projects such as a building project for constructing a new house and for projects where there is a reasonable amount of uncertainty.
Applying for a PIM is the same application as applying for a building consent. Please see how your local council accept applications here. If your council uses an online system please use the relevant application form in the online system.
For information on submitting an application, please see the information under the headings ‘Waikato Building Consent Group Councils’ ‘and ‘Steps for Paper or Email submissions’ here.
For council fees for the PIM application, please see the fees schedule on the relevant council website. Links to these can be found here under fees.
For more information about PIM, please see the following links.
A copy of the PIM should be given to your designer so that they can use this information to ensure that the building design is appropriate for the land on which you intend to build.
Please note: A PIM does not give any form of approval of the District Plan or Building Act or authorization to commence work. You should contact the Council Planner to determine that your proposal complies with the District Plan. If it does not, Resource Consent is required; you are strongly advised to obtain this before seeking Building Consent to avoid possible expensive changes to your proposal.
Further Information