Demo, Remove, or Re-site

If you intend to demolish or remove a building or structure from your site you will require a Building Consent unless it meets the Schedule 1 exemptions. See link to Schedule 1 exemptions. 

If you intend to demolish or remove a building or structure from your site you will require a Building Consent unless it meets the Schedule 1 exemptions. If the demolition does not qualify for an exemption, then:

  • A Building Consent must be obtained BEFORE you begin any of the proposed building work.
  • All related services must be capped, sealed or disconnected by qualified service providers.
  • The site must be fully cleared, and Council records and rating assessments updated to correctly reflect the changes.

Please note:

  • You must check Council requirements for the repair and reinstatement of any damage to the road reserve.
  • Skilled and professional practitioners should be used for major demolition work.
  • No demolition work should be undertaken on heritage or character buildings without first checking with your local Council for their approval, and other’s approval. A Resource Consent may also be required for any buildings of historical significance. Please check with the planning unit at your local Council or see Resource Consent for further information.
  • If you suspect hazardous material is part of the project, you should contact Health and Safety at Work (Work Safe group of MBIE), to find out more about safely disposing of the material.
  • If the building was built in between 1940 – 1990 there is a high probability that it has asbestos. New regulations, Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016, now require that before demolition work begins that the owner obtains an asbestos clearance certificate. For more about this read the page on asbestos.

A building must NOT under any circumstances be re-sited (or relocated) onto a property until the following steps are completed. Note that steps 2 and 3 can be undertaken at the same time:

  1. A Building Inspection Report is obtained (if required by your local Council). See next section for more information.
  2. A Building Consent is obtained.
  3. A Resource Consent has been obtained (if required by your local Council). If a Resource Consent is required, it will need to be granted, and certain conditions met BEFORE the building is moved onto the property.
  4. The Council’s District Plan may also require the external appearance of re-sited buildings to be reinstated to a reasonable standard.
  5. Fees: There are various costs involved in re-siting a building, including application fees for inspections, Building Consents, Resource Consents (land use), bond and administration; and in some cases Development Contributions also apply. To find out more about costs contact your local Council.

A building inspection report judges whether the building can be relocated and reinstated to a reasonable standard so that it blends into the surrounding area. An application may be declined if the building is deemed to be structurally unsound, dangerous to move, unsatisfactory to upgrade, or unsanitary. BEFORE a building is re-sited, regardless of its origin, a Council Building Officer must first approve it to be fit for relocation (At Hauraki all buildings being relocated into Hauraki must have a report prepared by a building surveyor – to be provided with the building consent application).

To obtain a Building Inspection Report you will need to:

  • Complete a ‘Request for Second Hand Buildings Inspection / Report‘ form and return it to Council with recent photographs, floor plans, details of any proposed repairs or alterations, and the inspection fee.
  • Arrange a suitable inspection time and access to the building with a Building Officer. You will need to give at least 3 working days’ notice for the inspection. There will be a fee for this service.
  • If the building is some distance away, check to see if your local Council will accept a report from the Council that the building is located in or a report from a recognised building inspection firm. Any cost involved will be set by those parties.

Note: Some of the Councils will require that the building is inspected by their own Officers, so please check before arranging an inspection.

After the inspection has been completed, a written report will be provided to you by the Building Officer. This report will confirm whether or not the building is suitable for relocation and, if so, details of any remedial work to be completed and the amount of the cash bond that Council will hold until all that work is finished. This report is valid for three months from the date of the inspection. If the building has not been moved to the proposed site within this time, it will be required to be re-inspected and further fees will be incurred.

Refer to the Building Consent Process. The existing building will require a new Building Consent for the foundations/footings and sanitary systems in its new location. If you intend to do any alterations to the building once it has been relocated, it may require a Building Consent for this work and you should discuss this with the Building Officer to ensure that your building will comply with the Building Code so a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) can be issued. A Building Consent application must be submitted with the details listed on the applicant checklist. Refer to:

  • Building consent application form and the applicant checklist for
    • re-sited / relocatable or multi-proof buildings
    • dwelling if doing any additions or alterations
    • likewise, the appropriate checklist for other building types if doing any additions or alterations.
  • Fees deposit – refer to the fees and charges for your council.

If you have time constraints around the removal of the building from its existing site then please discuss this with the Council BEFORE tendering or purchasing the building. For specific details concerning Building Consent applications contact Customer Services at your local Council.

District Plan

Every Council has a District Plan that defines what is allowable or not. For example:

  • Zoning (e.g. for Waikato District Council, a building re-sited for heavy industry is not allowed in a residential zone).
  •  The connection of the building to its new foundations within a set period of time (e.g. Waikato District Council require connection within 7 days of arrival on-site).

Your Council’s Planning unit will be able to provide you with further information relating to District Plan requirements.

Applying for a Resource Consent

A Resource Consent will be required from Council’s Planning unit for most relocated buildings so please check with a Council planner if you are unsure. The following details must be submitted with the completed Resource Consent application form:

  • A recent Certificate of Title (not more than 2 months old) relating to the proposed site
  • A site plan (drawn to scale) showing all buildings, setbacks to boundaries, easements, access points, drainage details, vehicle parking, access, and manoeuvring areas, building coverage permeable surface areas, and existing and proposed floor area(s)
  • Sub-floor bracing calculations including correct wind zone
  • Foundation plans
  • The age of the building and the construction materials used
  • Floor plan(s) showing internal layouts of existing and proposed buildings
  • Recent photographs of the interior, and the exterior, including the roof
  • A description of any external or internal works which are proposed to the building and the expected completion date.

As part of this process, you may need to gain written approval from all affected parties who will be impacted by your proposed activity, usually the owners and occupiers of surrounding properties, including those across the road. If you are unsure if this is needed or who needs to be approached please contact a Council planner. Each affected person will need to sign and date:

  • the written approval form
  • the Assessment of Environmental Effects
  • the site plan
  • photographs
  • details of any proposed upgrade works.

If you cannot obtain written approvals from all affected people the application will need to be ‘notified‘. A Council planner can advise you of the requirements and additional costs for this type of application. For specific details of Resource Consent requirements, please contact a planner from your local Council.

Development Contributions

Development Contribution is required when an additional dwelling is added to one Certificate of Title. Development Contributions may also be required in other circumstances such as a re-sited building to be used for commercial purposes. Development Contributions can vary significantly, so ensure you obtain an up-to-date Fees & Charges schedule from your local Council before you make the decision to relocate a building.

The Bond

A cash bond may be required issued pursuant to Section 108A of the Resource Management Act 1991. The amount of the cash bond will be up to the estimated cost of bringing the building up to standard after it has been re-sited. Examples of upgrading tasks which may be required include exterior painting, re-instating access (steps) and re-roofing. The bond is a performance guarantee in that it is refundable (once the conditions have been met) and it will be released in total when all the remedial work passes inspection by the Building Inspector.

Fees and Charges

Please contact a building officer and/or a planner at your Council for a Schedule of Fees & Charges, or if you require further assistance.