Inspection Checklists

Compliance Schedule Detail Forms

Compliance Schedule Detail Forms

Details of the specified systems (safety systems) must be provided with any building consent application where there are specified systems associated with the building. These details must include the performance standards and the proposed inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures for the specified safety systems in the building. If this information is not provided, the application for building consent will be incomplete and therefore cannot be lodged for processing. (Building Act section 7 Interpretation – plans and specifications, Building Act section 45 (g) application requirements)
Please download and complete in full, the appropriate form(s) for each kind of specified systems relating to the building.

  • Complete in full, the appropriate form for each kind of specified systems relating to the building and attach the form to the Building Consent Application form.
  • Complete in full, the appropriate form for each kind of specified systems relating to the building and attach the form to the Code Compliance Certificate form if requested from the council.
  • Remember to also attach a plan showing the location of each system.